AC Power Distribution - Manufacturers of power distribution products
AFFT - Association for the Future of Film and Television in Tennessee
American Grip - Manufactuerers of the highest quality grip equipment
ARRI - Arnold & Richtor, manufacturers of the best lights on the planet
Chattanooga / SE TN Film Commission - Chattanooga Southeast Tennessee Film Commission
Chimera - Manufacturers of lightbanks and lanterns for lighting
Department Blue - Full service lighting and grip rental house
Entertainment Industry Tape - Gaffers tape and more
k6500 - Manufacturers of the Joker Bug line of HMI fixtures
Kino Flo - Manufacturers of flourescent lighting systems for film and video
Lex Products - Manufacturers of power distribution products and cables
LitePanels - Manufacturers of LED lighting systems for film and video
Long Term Lights - Lighting rental for long term productions
Matthews Studio Equipment - Manufacturers of grip equipment
Modern Studio Equipment - Industry leader in grip equipment
Mole Richardson - The standard by which all lighting equipment is judged - Listed on in Lighting / Grip Equipment in Tennessee
Rosco - Supplier of high quality gels, filters, gobos, and other studio-related items
Set Wear - Manufacturer of unique fitted gloves and tool pouches
TFEMC - Tennessee Film, Entertainment, and Music Commission
TFEMC Production Directory - Tennessee Film, Entertainment, and Music Commission's online Production Directory